5 People To Thank This Holiday Season

Gratitude is a perspective-shifter. It is often the antidote to discontentment, selfishness, and negativity. It changes the posture of our hearts from a position of entitlement or bitterness to openness and others-focused. But increasing gratitude not only has substantial implications on the betterment of our own lives, but It also has profound effects on those around us when expressed genuinely and appropriately.

One study links higher levels of gratitude shown in people’s daily lives to better sleep and lower anxiety and depression. Another study found that by implementing gratitude or appreciation into a staff culture, employees are more willing to spread their positive feelings with others, whether it’s helping out with a project or taking time to notice and recognize those that have gone the extra mile.

Other studies suggest that it takes 5-7 positive words to cancel out 1 negative word or criticism.

So what if we leveled up our appreciation and gratitude this holiday season as ministry leaders? What kind of impact could it have on our own lives, our churches, our organizations, our teams, and our communities?

Here are 5 people to intentionally express gratitude towards this week who may otherwise be overlooked:

1. The Person(s) Who Influenced You

We all have that person who encouraged us to take that first step in ministry; the person who nudged you to preach that first message, or the leader who pushed you to lead worship for the first time (no matter how terrible it was), or the mentor who gave a word of encouragement that the Lord used to lead you to vocational ministry. This week, send them a note or a text or just pick up the phone and say thank you for the role they’ve played in your ministry.

2. Your Spouse

When was the last time you looked at your spouse in the eyes and thanked him/her for all they do? It goes without saying how much our spouses deserve our appreciation for making vocational ministry possible. Ministry isn’t a solo venture. It’s a team sport whether you want it to be or not. Your spouse feels the effects of ministry either directly or indirectly; the heartaches, the long days, the celebrations, the unpredictability, etc. probably more than you know. Thank your spouse this week for their sacrifice and being your partner in ministry.

3. Spouses/Families of Staff Members

As ministry leaders, showing appreciation to your staff members is a must. But caring for your team isn’t just caring for the person receiving the paycheck. It’s caring for their entire family. One way to express this kind of care is sharing gratitude to your employee’s spouses and families. Thank them for their partnership in ministry, for their faithfulness, and just tell that they are seen and valued. You’ll be surprised how much this will mean to them while also impacting employee satisfaction and retention.

4. Key Volunteer Leaders

It takes an army to fight a battle, and we’re all on the front lines of a spiritual battle for the Kingdom. Who are the people in your ministry who shoulder the weight of ministry week in and week out without ever receiving or expecting anything for it? The people who make ministry or a mission possible. What’s a special way you could express your thanks to them this week? Whether a Starbucks card, a handwritten note, or a phone call, think of a key volunteer leader(s) and share your appreciation to them.

5. The Person You “Lean On” (Your Barnabas)

In the book of Acts, Paul and Barnabas traveled together side by side. Barnabas was a key person in Paul’s life and their relationship became one of mutual encouragement. Who’s the “Barnabas” in your life? Who’s the person you confide in on the days you want to quit? The one who rejoices when you rejoice, and mourns when you mourn (Romans 12:15). The one who carries you out of battle when bullets fly. This Thanksgiving, let them know how much they mean to you.


Spending a little time this Thanksgiving to share your heart with these people will not only bless them, but will do an amazing work in your own heart.

Want to be refreshed going into this holiday season? Express gratitude. Want to tackle 2025 with a fresh passion for the work of ministry? Express gratitude. Want to experience peace and forgiveness? Gratitude. And as you thank these people, remember to express your ultimate thanks to God, for the work He’s done in you, and for the very breath in your lungs. 

“Give thanks to him and bless his name. For the Lord is good, and his faithful love endures forever; his faithfulness, through all generations” - Psalm 100: 4-5.

Todd Rukes
Founder & President


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